test title


The title of the conference is Architecture and Urban Planning in Tourism and Resort Branding


• This category encompasses all student-wide or unpublished academic research within the field of architecture or construction, exploring past, present, or future contexts and circumstances.

• It also includes undergraduate or graduate degree research projects completed within the last two years. Authors of projects must acknowledge the professors or teachers who assisted them in project development.

• Diploma works that do not employ the research method should be categorized under other sections, such as architecture, urbanism, restoration and cultural heritage, or landscape architecture.

• For conference schedule details, please refer to the "Conference" section on the Biennale website.

• Professionals are welcome to participate in the conference alongside students.


Those interested in participating in the conference should upload a research paper adhering to the research methods and rules (APA style) in PDF format via the "Conference" link:

Languages: English, Georgian

Text editor/format: Microsoft Word (PDF)

Page format: A4

Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12

Line spacing: 1.0

All margins, including tables, diagrams, figures, and the reference list: 2 cm

Paragraph indentation: 1 cm

Number of co-authors: Maximum of 4

Article length: 5-10 pages

Page numbering

Text alignment: Justified

References should be cited in square brackets within the text of the article.


The structure of the article:

-          Scientific degree (abbreviated version), surname, and initials of the author (co-authors).

-          Country, city, place of work of the author (co-authors).

-          Title of the article (centered, bold).

-          Abstract (100-150 words maximum).

-          Keywords (5-7 words or phrases).

-          Main text of the article (including introduction, research results, conclusions).

-          List of references.

-          Personal photo-portrait (600x600 pixels).

Those interested in participating in the UG Architecture Student Biennale conference should submit an application following these steps (via the "Conference" sub-menu - "Registration" - using the provided template):

• Nomination:

• Topic name:

• Name of the university:

• Country:

• City:

• Tel: University:

• E-mail: University:

• Contact person – University:

• A letter of approval from the university or faculty confirming that their academic and/or professional level meets the Biennale's criteria.

Home address:



Mobile phone:

Landline phone:

Postal code:
